Recycling collection center
Hours: Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m-3:00 p.m. Location: C. Rodolfo Benítez 216, Panama.
Bring your recycling materials
At the Ciudad del Saber Recyclables Collection Center (CAR), everyone is welcome to bring their recyclable materials (clean and free of waste), the CAR receives: paper, newspaper, magazines, cardboard, plastic containers, glass, aluminum, tetrapak containers, electronic scrap, batteries and oil.

Recycling is a joint task, that's how our community lives it.
At Ciudad del Saber we believe that the prosperous, inclusive and sustainable future is built every day by reducing, reusing and recycling.

The alliance between Fundación Ciudad del Saber and Fundación Acción Social por Panamá (FAS).
The Recycling Collection Center receives, classifies, stores and sells these materials to companies to be recovered or recycled. This is a non-profit activity carried out by the NGO FAS Panama with the support of Fundación Ciudad del Saber.
Contact the Recyclables Collection Center for more information:
- Phone: 317 0631
- Volunteer Email: fasvoluntarios@gmail.com
- Operation of the CAR: faspanamaproyectos2019@gmail.com
- Household collection: recoleccionfas@gmail.com

What types of materials does the RAC accept?
Paper: Bond, manila, newspaper, magazines and directories.
Cardboard: Cardboard, cartons and tetra-pak containers (clean and without waste).
Plastic: Type 1 bottles (PET or PETE), type 2 plastic containers (HDPE or HDPE), type 4 bags (LDPE or LDPE) and type 2 containers (PP).
Metal: Aluminum and tinplate cans, ferrous and non-ferrous scrap, electronic scrap.
Miscellaneous: Glass bottles and jars, batteries, batteries and used cooking oil.
Visit our Recycling Center
Hours: Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m-3:00 p.m. Location: C. Rodolfo Benítez 216, Panama.