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terreno de todo Ciudad del Saber desde una vista aérea

This is a nation-wide impact project

Cross-sector collaboration

Ciudad del Saber is a meeting point that seeks to build a more prosperous, inclusive, democratic and sustainable society by linking the public sector with the private and intergovernmental sectors.

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Conferencia de los desafíos de la innovación en la salud

Science, Technology, Human Development and Research

Thanks to this spirit of cross-sectoral collaboration, the National Government has a presence on the campus of 20 entities, specifically those working in science, technology, human development and research.

Together we generate impact

  • Logo CITEC
  • Logo SENACYT
  • Logo Indicasat AIP
  • Logo de CENAMEP AIP
  • Logo CIEPS
  • Logo CIEDU
  • Logo Infoplaza AIP
  • Logo CITEC
  • Logo SENACYT
  • Logo Indicasat AIP
  • Logo de CENAMEP AIP
  • Logo CIEPS
  • Logo CIEDU
  • Logo Infoplaza AIP


Persona trabajando en un laboratorio con diferentes muestras

Scientific research

The sciences are represented nationally through the headquarters of the National Secretariat of Science and Technology - SENACYT, one of the first institutions to be established in Ciudad del Saber, in 2000. The emergence of a varied group of Private Interest Associations (PIAs) has generated important contributions to the country's scientific and technological development. As an example of this, since 2002, INDICASAT-AIP has focused on its scientific production and has more than 500 publications in international journals.

Mujer lee un cuento infantil en algún convive de Ciudad del Saber

Political and social research

In 2017, CIEPS, AIP focused on developing research in political and social sciences, was constituted. Focused on producing knowledge for the formulation of public policies and for decision making in the public and private sectors through three lines of research: Public Opinion, Economic Welfare and Institutions and Political Actors.

Estudiantes graduados de un programa bilingüe de Ciudad del Saber

Human development and research

From this campus, government entities implement programs that promote educational innovation. Such is the case of the Panama Bilingual Academy for the Future, installed by the Ministry of Education. The first public school with an international bilingual baccalaureate in Panama, which aims to provide its graduates the opportunity to apply to various international universities and have a quality higher education training.

In the words of our community

Dr. Eduardo Ortega-Barriaplay_arrow

“We have participated synergistically with other Ciudad del Saber actors, in titanic efforts such as the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. This environment of innovation, where the exchange of ideas thrives, within the framework of respect for human rights, has helped SENACYT to have a greater reach of its projects.”

Dr. Eduardo Ortega-Barria

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