Impact from a sustainable perspective
Change in action
At Ciudad del Saber, we seek to achieve sustainability from our reason for existence by facilitating knowledge management, innovation, culture and human development.
As an organization that promotes sustainable impact, we have established multiple criteria set forth in the Ciudad del Saber Master Plan. We have decided to start working on sustainability from within, setting goals at the level of the organization's operation to extend our guidelines in the future to the organizations that are part of our ecosystem and community.

Hectares of reserve.
Sustainable buildings and 4 offices.
Tons of recyclable waste from 2012 to 2022.
Tons diverted from Cerro Patacón from January to April 2023.
Of the operated facilities separate their waste.
Tons of CO2eq by 2021.

Responsible, green and productive spaces
We focus our strategy on the adequacy of responsible, green and productive spaces that enhance the creativity and well-being of our employees. In 2017,
In May 2017, we moved to a space that offers different benefits for our collaborators: natural light, view to the outside, ergonomics, quality of the environment and equitable space according to their functions and not hierarchies.
The design was a joint effort between FCdS and the Panamanian architectural firm Edward McGrath & Associates. Our offices are LEED Platinum certified by the Green Building Certification Institute, in the interior design category.
In the same year, Innova 109, a dedicated space for offices and coworking desks, opened its doors. Today we have 3 INNOVA spaces: 104, 109 and 101 all focused on promoting workspaces aligned with waste sustainability, productivity and community work.
Next steps in sustainability
Among the multiple criteria established in the Ciudad del Saber Master Plan in terms of sustainability are: the conservation of more than 60% of the campus as green areas; the definition of land uses; the establishment of urban planning regulations; the inclusion of a road plan for pedestrian circulation and new parking lots; and the projection of interventions in the landscape to improve the quality of the environment.

Convive Spaces.
Recognition by the Ministry of the Environment for inventorying the carbon footprint. Each year we implement measures to reduce our carbon footprint.
Currently, all types of material are received at the Recyclables Collection Center (CAR).
Glass bottles transformed into glasses through the INNOVAFAS venture.
Tons of plastic transformed into furniture with the Clandestino Labs venture.

Sustainable Mobility
To boost sustainable mobility internally, the sidewalk widening project played an important role. The widening of the sidewalks, originally built with a width of one meter, made it easier for people to walk in groups, making community life more pleasant. En adición, a lo largo del campus, se han instalado más de 30 racks de bicicletas, entre áreas verdes y 17 edificios. Desde la perspectiva de movilidad externa, Ciudad del Saber está conectado con la Terminal de Transporte de Albrook, el principal nodo de la red de transporte público de la ciudad de Panamá, lo que facilita el acceso al campus y representa una alternativa sostenible al transporte particular.

Circular Economy
In terms of circular economy, two ventures currently established at the Ciudad del Saber use raw material from waste from the Recyclables Collection Center.